
ISSE/SEP meetings in the US

The future of art in an age of crisis

David Walsh, WSWS arts editor, to speak in San Diego and Los Angeles

The present economic crisis, the most devastating since the Great Depression, finds all social layers in America unprepared, including artists and intellectuals.

Is it possible to point to a single film, play or novel that provided a forewarning of what was to come, even a serious premonition? How can the current artistic and cultural malaise be overcome?

The historical and social roots of the problem have to be examined. What part did the anti-communist purges of the 1940s and 1950s play? What is the role of so-called Critical Theory, Postmodernism and other trends?

David Walsh, arts editor of the World Socialist Web Site, will address these issues. A question and answer period will follow his talk.

San Diego, California
Thursday, February 26, 7 p.m.
The Auditorium inside the Aztec Athletic Center Building
San Diego State University
(On 55th St, across from the Cox Arena and north of parking structure 5)

Los Angeles, California
Saturday, February 28, 2:30 p.m.
Multi-Purpose Room
Santa Monica Public Library
601 Santa Monica Blvd.