The video shows the area in Ethiopia where the human-like skull of Australopithecus anamensis, known as MRD, was found and explains its significance. Video supplied courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
European powers demand military build-up at emergency Paris summit on Ukraine
Major European powers held an emergency summit yesterday in Paris after US officials threatened to cut Europe out of Trump’s planned talks with Russia over Ukraine.
Alex Lantier •
Trump’s plan to seize Ukraine’s minerals and the mounting US-EU conflict
The European response to Trump is no less reactionary than the fascist president’s own policy. It is to rearm, rearm and rearm some more.
Peter Schwarz•
Oppose the Steiner-Tissot smear campaign! Defend Comrade Bogdan Syrotiuk!
The Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists condemns with contempt the smear campaign based on the claim that the International Committee's “negligence” in security matters was to blame for the arrest of our comrade, Bogdan Syrotiuk.
Young Guard of Bolshevik-Leninists•
Zelensky to meet with Trump officials following Putin-Trump phone call
Trump’s bold-faced attempt to seize control of Ukraine’s mineral wealth is an open admission of the geostrategic and economic interests of US imperialism behind a war that has already claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands.
Jason Melanovski•
Ukrainian journalists•
Clara Weiss•
Clara Weiss•
WSWS Editorial Board•
James Clayton•