The deputy chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (SGP), Christoph Vandreier, spoke on Tuesday at a vigil at the Brandenburg Gate after a right-wing terrorist killed eight people in Hanau, Germany. Vandreier stressed the responsibility of the parties of the German grand coalition, who have prepared the way for right-wing extremist attacks with their xenophobic policies.
Greek fascist MP given kid gloves treatments after attack on art exhibition
Not a single member of the ND government—Culture Minister Lina Mendoni included—came out to publicly support the museum’s stand. Four days later the artworks were withdrawn, with the museum citing security concerns amid protests outside by far-right religious figures.
John Vassilopoulos, Lucy Connell•
Netanyahu organises Israeli “antisemitism” conference featuring Europe’s far-right
The alliance of Israel’s political elite with the world’s most reactionary forces demonstrates that Zionism is no less a bitter enemy of Jewish workers and youth than it is of the Palestinians.
Jean Shaoul•
European court orders Ukraine to pay victims of the 2014 Odessa fascist massacre
The European Court’s findings confirm the WSWS’s assessment of the massacre 10 years ago and underscore the anti-democratic nature of the Kiev regime.
Jason Melanovski•
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 8
Two films dealing with racism and fascism: The Moelln Letters and The Lie
Together with The German People, the documentaries The Moelln Letters and The Lie were met with great interest at this year’s Berlin film festival.
Bernd Reinhardt•
Tom Peters•
Johannes Stern•
Johannes Stern•
Markus Salzmann•
Christoph Vandreier•