Kapila Fernando

Democrats seize on Yemen attack leak to press for imperialist war

The Democratic Party, which has been complicit in fascist rampage by President Donald Trump against democratic rights, social programs and federal workers, has suddenly found its voice this week in claiming Trump’s top national security aides were insufficiently careful in the preparation of the bombing of Yemen.

Patrick Martin

Left Party leader Gregor Gysi calls for unity with the warmongers

Speaking at the opening of the new Bundestag (parliament), the Left Party’s most well-known politician not only expressed his agreement with all the premises and goals of official war policy but also called on the parliament to close ranks against any opposition to this.

Peter Schwarz

Control over Greenland: A long-standing goal of American imperialism

Washington has maintained a military presence on the island since World War II. The reemergence of Greenland as a major point of conflict between American imperialism and its former European allies proves that the same capitalist contradictions that gave rise to two world wars in the 20th century are resurging.

Jordan Shilton