
Miners must take control of the struggle into their own hands!

Alabama miners are determined to fight, but the UMWA is isolating the strike and working to defeat it.

That's why we're building independent rank-and-file committees of miners, linked with committees of autoworkers, educators, and Amazon workers, which will break the isolation imposed by the corporate-controlled unions and unite the working class.

join the fight
Build a rank-and-file committee of miners!

The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees (IWA-RFC) now includes committees of rank-and-file autoworkers, educators, Amazon workers, postal workers, and bus drivers.

If you are a rank-and-file mine worker, fill out this form now to contact us and start building a committee.

You can also text us at 205-614-9370

Please include the country code and remove all spaces from your phone number. (E.g., for US numbers, +14028650000)