
Socialist Equality Party exposes Aidan Beatty’s falsifications in Institute of Historical Research seminar

On December 2, the Institute of Historical Research in London sponsored an online seminar titled “Gerry Healy and the WRP: Violence, Gender, and the Perils of Trotskyism.” The principal speaker was Aidan Beatty, author of The Party is Always Right: The Untold Story of Gerry Healy and British Trotskyism, an exercise in historical falsification.

Beatty opened the seminar with a lengthy diatribe against Healy, the Socialist Equality Party and the World Socialist Web Site. The seminar was then addressed by veteran Trotskyist Barbara Slaughter; WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North; and Eric London, a member of the SEP in the US.

The audio of the remarks by Slaughter, North and London is embedded in the post below.

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