Berlin transport workers issue call for an unlimited strike!
Our wage dispute has taken on a new significance in recent weeks. In the face of rapid political changes, the wage struggle is developing into a power struggle.
The World Socialist Web Site and the Socialist Equality Parties are assisting workers everywhere in the building of an interconnected network of rank-and-file committees, to organize a united counter-offensive against inequality, exploitation, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapidly escalating imperialist world war.
There are now rank-and-file committees of autoworkers, educators, Amazon and logistics workers, postal workers, bus drivers, and many other sections of the working class.
Rank-and-file committees are of, by and for the rank-and-file workers, who have a different set of interests than management, the bosses, the politicians, and the trade union apparatus, who oppress workers in order to defend the profits of the ruling elite.
Contact us now to join a committee. If there is not already a committee in your workplace, industry or region, we will help you start one!
Our wage dispute has taken on a new significance in recent weeks. In the face of rapid political changes, the wage struggle is developing into a power struggle.
The following statement was written by a founding member of the Costco Workers Rank-and-File Committee (CWRFC) to be read at Sunday’s public meeting called by the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, “Mobilize the working class to save the US Postal Service and other federal programs!”
The CFPE calls on teachers and school workers to join our ranks to fight for decent conditions and wages for all educators, and a public education system that provides the highest quality schooling for all students.
Attendees at meeting called by the US Postal Workers Rank-and-File committee passed a resolution calling on workers to make preparations for “mass resistance, up to and including strike action.”
The bill, while absurdly presenting itself as in the interest of “public safety,” recalls some of the worst abuses of the Jim Crow era, specifically the use of literacy tests to deny black people the right to vote.
The bill would “stipulate that provisions of public sector union Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) can be terminated by an incoming President,” according to a summary posted on a congressional website.
All 13, one just 32 years old, worked on the first stage of the M6 tunnel between Arncliffe and Kogarah, starting in late 2021.
On April 25, 2023, Gabriel Cabral, 32, and Sean MacPherson, 56, suffered fatal burns while replacing siding on a quench tower at the Stelco steel mill in Nanticoke.
On October 24, the World Socialist Web Site and the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees brought together a panel of leading scientists to explain how the virus that causes COVID-19 could be eliminated.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Workers in the United States and throughout the world must decide to act collectively and finally put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 must not be another nightmarish year of mass infections, illness and death!
The implementation of a scientifically guided and progressive response to the pandemic is possible only to the extent that these policies find the necessary social foundation in a mass movement of the working class on a global scale.
“The aim of this global initiative is to develop a genuine broad-based movement of the international working class, and to encourage workers in all countries to break out of the prison-like shackles in which they are confined by the existing state-controlled and antidemocratic unions, staffed by right-wing pro-capitalist executives.” – DAVID NORTH
The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, with the political assistance of the Fourth International and the Socialist Equality Parties, will strive to unify workers in a common worldwide struggle, opposing every effort by capitalist governments and the reactionary proponents of the innumerable forms of national, ethnic and racial chauvinism and identity politics to split up the working class into warring factions.
All over the world the trade unions, including those which were founded through bitter struggles led by socialist-minded workers, now play the leading role in enforcing the dictates of management.
In this lecture, delivered in Sydney, Australia in January, 1998, David North explains this profound transformation through an historical examination of the trade unions themselves.
On August 3, 1981, 15,000 members of the union of air traffic controllers in the US—the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)—went out on strike against their employer, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).